After you activate your account and are logged in, you will be able to update your personal information. It is important to complete your profile information and update it routinely. You will have complete control over your organization’s profile, which we like to call your storefront. It is important to keep this profile organized and up-to-date.
In order to edit information on your organization’s page, navigate to the profile tab. Here, you will have the ability to edit information regarding:
Your Personal Information: Including your name, access level, profile visibility, title, email and cell phone number.
Your Organization: Including your organization name, organization website, city, state and zip code.
Your Staff: Here, you can add staff members and assign them to specific teams.
Your Teams: Here, you can add new teams and edit existing ones!
Your Student-Athletes: Here, you can add student-athletes and assign them to their designated teams
Your Events: These will automatically appear on the student-athletes’ profiles
You can add any events that your organization will be attending
The preview tab will show you exactly how your organization’s profile appears to others!
Staying organized with the SportsRecruits platform shows your student-athletes that you are serious about getting involved in their recruiting process and ready to help them find a great college fit.
SportsRecruits - Your College Recruiting Website
If you are looking help your student-athletes build a flawless recruiting profile, the SportsRecruits platform is your best opportunity to do so. Our platform provides an incredible chance for your prospective student-athletes to post their highlight videos, showcase their academic and athletic achievements, conduct college searches with our Advanced School Search, email college coaches, and much more!
Interested in SportsRecruits? Click here to get your Organization started today!
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