If you're a transfer student looking to utilize SportsRecruits it is important to update your profile for college coaches to know you're looking to transfer. This article outlines exactly what you need to put on your profile for coaches to identify that you are a transfer student.
Update Your Profile
1. Under the "Essentials" section of your Profile tab, check the College Transfer box under the graduation year.
2. Update the graduation year on your profile to match that of the current high school senior class. This is crucial because similar to social media feeds, the Discovery Feed that college coaches use to recruit on SportsRecruits only show athletes with graduation years in the future.
3. Remove the committed banner from your SportsRecruits profile within the "Commitment" section of your Profile. This is relevant because many college coaches filter committed athletes out of their Discover feed, so removing your commitment will ensure you are not filtered out.
4. Update your "Bio" section to include the fact that you are looking to transfer. This way, when college coaches look at your profile, they can easily understand your goals. Context about wanting to transfer should also be shared in messages to coaches.
The three necessary pieces of information to have in your bio are:
- "I am looking to transfer for the (INSERT YEAR) season."
- "I was in the high school year class of (INSERT YEAR), and have (INSER NUMBER) years of eligibility."
- "My Student NCAA ID number is (INSERT NUMBER)."
NCAA Transfer Portal Information and Resources
5. Add any athletic advocates such as current college coaches, previous club or high school coaches, and contact information in the Athletic section of your Profile. This way if coaches want to learn more about you they can reach out to the people who know you best athletically.
6. It's extremely important to be proactive in reaching out to coaches about wanting to transfer and join their program. Make sure you put the fact that you're a transfer student in the subject line of your messages. With access to the messaging system, you can easily communicate with any colleges you are looking at.
7. Embed or upload new or recent video to your profile. Coaches love to see growth and improvement over time if you have footage available. If you don't have a highlight reel, we recommend using the free highlight reel editor on SportsRecruits to create one. You also have the option to also receive a professional highlight reel created by our post-production team here on staff. Here is a help article that will walk you through the professional highlight reel process!
What is SportsRecruits?
SportsRecruits is a platform for high school student-athletes designed to help with the recruiting process. If you are interested in playing athletically at the collegiate level, we give you the tools and resources necessary to be seen by college coaches. Utilizing our platform gives you total transparency when a college coach looks at your profile.
Your profile is home to your academic and athletic stats, test scores, highlight videos, and much more for college coaches to see. Gone are the days of searching for college coaches' email addresses because our messaging system has all the up-to-date contact information and notifies you when a college coach messages you and looks at your profile!
Try SportsRecruits today by creating a free profile here!
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