As an integrated club or high school on SportsRecruits, you can embed your teams' rosters directly to your team's website. These embedded rosters are linked directly to each individual's SportsRecruits Profile, as well as your organization’s StoreFront!
Grab the embed code of each roster to add individual rosters to your site, or the embed code for all rosters to add all of your teams at once! To find the embed codes, follow the steps below:
- Log in to your staff account.
- Navigate to the "Club" or "High School" tab on the top toolbar
- Select "Storefront Preview" from the sidebar to be taken to your StoreFront
- Click the blue "Embed" button next to the roster
- Copy the entire embed code & paste into the code on your website
Still need help getting your rosters embedded? No problem! Reach out to your team's account manager or CSM at SportsRecruits via phone or email, and they would be happy to help!
What is SportsRecruits
The SportsRecruits platform allows organizations to monitor and supervise their prospective student-athletes’ college recruiting processes. Staff members are able to see exactly which college coaches are taking the time to view their student-athletes recruiting profiles, highlight videos or skills video, or open their transcript. You are also able to see the communication your student-athletes are having with colleges they are interested in during their college search. This allows you to see where your student-athletes are in their recruiting process and if they need assistance at any point.
SportsRecruit is a college recruiting website that will allow your organization to assist your student-athletes no matter where they are in their process. Are you a high school coach or club staff member looking to get started with SportsRecruits? Get started today for free!
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