It can be difficult to keep track of a large number of schools on your list. With your "Favorites Page" you can now go beyond favoriting schools so that you and your family can better organize all of the schools that you are interested in!
There are three different ways to organize your list of schools. You can navigate to the new Favorites page by clicking the "Schools" tab, then selecting "Favorites" from the sidebar. Once you are there, there are three different ways you can organize your favorite schools.
*Note: College coaches can only see if an athlete has favorited their specific school. All other schools on your favorites list will be hidden from college coaches
1) Sort by Rank
You can sort your favorites list by 'Rank." This is your own personal ranking. So if Alabama is your number one choice, rank it number one. Arizona State might be a close second, so you could rank them as your #2 choice, and so on. You have complete freedom here when organizing your top schools. Do not feel obligated to base these rankings on the college rankings you might find online.
Have you been gaining more and more interest in a particular school at the bottom of your favorites list? Now it is super easy to move them to the top. With a simple drag and drop, you can personalize your favorite school list so it reflects the order you want!
2) Categorize By Safety, Fit, or Reach
You can organize them by the type of fit the school is. The three different categories are reach, fit, and safety schools. Those typically refer to the academic selectivity of the school.
- A "Safety" school is one where the student athlete’s academic credentials exceed the school's range for the average first-year student. You should be reasonably certain that you will be admitted to your safety schools
- A "Fit" school is one where your academic credentials (grades, SAT or ACT scores, and class rank) fall well within the school's average range for the most recently accepted class. There are no guarantees, but it's not unreasonable to expect to be accepted to several of your fit schools
- A "Reach" school is one where your academic credentials fall in the lower end, or even below, the school's average range for the cohort of students accepted the previous year. Reach schools might be long shots, but it should still be possible.
If you’d prefer, you can use the categorizing function to organize schools by athletic fit, or a combination of both academic & athletic selectivity of the program. Our recommendation is to use whichever system is best suited for your family as you pursue a college athletic career.
3) Sort by Date of Last Contact
You can sort schools based on how long it has been since your "Last Contact." The advantage here is that you can prioritize sending messages to schools you haven't had much contact with lately and try to catch up with them. You can quickly draft a message to a coach directly from the favorites page by clicking the blue arrow titled "Message Now" below and to the right of each school name.
The sorting in this section of the favorites page is done automatically for you based on your activity in the Built-In Messaging System.
Remove/Unfavorite A School
Any school on your favorites list has a red heart next to wherever it appears on your favorites list. To remove a school from your favorites list, simply click the "Red Heart." It will then turns "Gray." Refresh your page, and that school will no longer be included on your favorites list.
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SportsRecruits is a college recruiting website that was created for student-athletes and organizations to take control of their recruiting process. On SportsRecruits you are able to host all of your athletic information, academic information, and recruiting videos in one place for college coaches to see with just one click!
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