Welcome to SportsRecruits! It’s time to get started with your college recruiting process! The first step to jumpstarting your recruiting process on SportsRecruits is building out your student-athlete profile. Your completed profile provides college coaches with all of the necessary information they need to evaluate you as a student-athlete. It is recommended that you fill out as much information about yourself as possible and update it frequently!
Getting Started
If you can’t fill everything out at first, make sure you update your profile when new information surfaces. You want to put your best foot forward by showing coaches the most valuable information about you. This helps them determine if you are a good fit for their program, both academically and athletically.
Below are step-by-step instructions for specific particular elements of the profile.
Navigate to the "Profile" tab on the top-right corner of your screen, you will then see a sidebar on the left-hand side of your screen.
Click "Edit" to begin building your athlete profile!
My Family
- Here, you can enter the email addresses you would like associated with your SportsRecruits account. You can enter as many email addresses as you would like to use as logins and receive notifications.
- Click here to learn more about how to update your account's contact information.
- This section contains all of your personal information.
- Start by uploading a profile photo. We recommend you choose a photo that shows your face, think a school photo, or a roster headshot. This helps college coaches put a face to a name by uploading a photo where they can see your face.
*PRO TIP: College coaches are 3x more likely to respond to your messages if you have a profile picture.
- This section hosts all of your athletic information.
- Under the "Position section," you can select all the positions you play for your specific sport
- Under the "Statistics section," fill out your most up-to-date athletic statistics.
- Club and High School Information- if you are a member through your club, then this information is automatically inputted for you by your club. If you are an individual member, you can manually enter this information!
- "Additional Team" - enter this if you compete with another team other than your club or high school team in the off-season.
- Be sure to add your coach’s contact information! College coaches might call your coach or email them for more information about you as a student-athlete.
- "My Events" - add your upcoming events!
- Click here to learn more about adding events to your SportsRecruits profile!
- "Academic Status"
- GPA - you can enter any number, weighted or unweighted!
- Class Rank
- NCAA Eligibility #
- PSAT Scores, SAT Scores, ACT Scores
- "Academic Transcript" sure to keep updating these in the file format of .pdf, .doc, or .txt
- "Academic Honors" - for academic-related honors such as honor roll or Advanced Placement (AP) courses - college coaches love to see this!
- "Extracurricular Activities" - list extracurriculars you are involved in such as clubs or honor societies.
- With your SportsRecruits profile, you can upload an unlimited amount of videos to your profile, or embed them from, Hudl, YouTube, and Vimeo
- We can’t wait for you to commit to a college. Once you do, don’t forget to log your commitment for college coaches to see!
Preview: the finished product!
- This is the college coach's view of your athlete profile!
*NOTE: Remember to click “Save” after editing each section of your profile. Wait for the green message to appear indicating that all of your information was saved before navigating away from the page!
What is SportsRecruits?
SportsRecruits is a platform for high school student-athletes designed to help with the recruiting process. If you are interested in playing athletically at the collegiate level, we give you the tools and resources necessary to be seen by college coaches. Utilizing our platform gives you total transparency when a college coach looks at your profile.
Your profile is home to your academic and athletic stats, test scores, highlight videos, and much more for college coaches to see. Gone are the days of searching for college coaches' email addresses because our messaging system has all the up-to-date contact information and notifies you when a college coach messages you and looks at your profile!
Try SportsRecruits today by creating a free profile here!
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