The SportsRecruits platform allows college coaches access to all of the student-athlete information in our database. As a college coach, once you have created a list of favorited student-athletes within the platform, you will have the ability to export that information in .csv format. These exports will be optimized for upload into most recruiting softwares, i.e. FrontRush, ARMs and JumpForward.
In order to begin the exporting process, your program must have favorited student-athletes within the SportsRecruits platform or the EventBeacon app. If you have not favorited any student-athletes yet, the Discover Feed is a great place to start your search for student-athletes. Once you have a pool of favorited student-athletes, navigate through the following steps to start your export:
- Click on the "More" tab in the top right-hand corner
- From the dropdown that appears, choose "Exports"
- In the Exports page, click "Export Athletes"
- Once the export is ready the CSV will be downloaded to the device in use
- For the best download experience, we suggest completing this download on a computer, rather than a phone or tablet
What information is included in the export?
Student-Athlete Name
Class Year
Email Address
Phone Number
Guardian Name
Guardian Email Address
Commitment Status
SportsRecruits Profile URL
Favorited by Coach: Name of coach in program that favorited student athlete
GPA Scale
SAT Math
SAT Reading and Writing
SAT Math and Reading and Writing
NCAA Number
High School
Club Name
Intended Major
EventBeacon Notes: If any coaches in your program have evaluated a specific student-athlete within the EventBeacon App
Once the .csv is downloaded to your device, you can follow these steps, if you would like to upload the .csv into your recruiting software!
If you are looking to upload these athletes to your program’s recruit management system, such as FrontRush, ARMS or JumpForward, here is an article that walks you through this step by step: How to Upload Favorited Athlete Data into your Recruiting Software.
If you need any assistance with your export, please fill out this form and our team will be in touch as quickly as possible: Assistance for College Coaches.
About SportsRecruits for College Coaches
At SportsRecruits, we understand how important it is for college coaches to have all the information about student-athletes and the organizations they are apart of at their fingertips. By allowing college coaches to directly navigate to student-athletes’ profiles from their emails, it gives college coaches seamless access to everything they need to know in a matter of a few clicks.
We know that college coaches do not want to hear from our staff and on behalf of a student-athlete, so unlike recruiting services, SportsRecruits does not reach out to college coaches on behalf of student-athletes. We believe the most genuine connections happen in the recruiting process when it is lead by the student-athlete.
At the end of the day, it is about helping student-athletes and colleges find the best fit. We have seen recruiting class after recruiting class come through our platform and connect with thousands of programs across the country. Check out our commits page to see student-athletes and colleges who have connected and found homes using the SportsRecruits platform.
Get started finding your star recruit here!
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