As a College Coach, you have access to every student-athlete in the SportsRecruits database. Our goal is to make college recruiting more efficient for college coaches. Utilizing the ability to “Favorite” or “Skip” prospective student athletes will help with organizing what student-athletes you will continue to follow on their recruiting journey.
First, sign into your SportsRecruits profile, and you will be taken to the Discover Feed.
When you first log into your SportsRecruits account, you will see a list of student-athletes. Each student-athlete has a title card with essential information, such as their position, grad year, height, weight, GPA, and their club and high school team. It will also give you access to any video they have available.
You will have the ability to visit the student-athlete’s SportsRecruits profile directly from the card. Here, you will be able to see their full SportsRecruits profile with their athletic and academic information, upcoming events, and video.
For any student-athletes that you would like to keep an eye on during the recruiting process, you can click on “Favorite” icon and add them to your Favorite’s Page.
For student-athletes that you think are not a good fit for your program, you can add them to your “Skipped” page, so they will no longer show up on your Discover Feed.
It is important to mention that adding a student-athlete to your Favorites or Skipped Pages is not permanent. If at any point you want to switch that student-athlete, you can!
Student-athletes will NOT receive a notification on SportsRecruits if you favorite or skip their profile. They will however, receive a notification if you click to view their profile or video.
Once you have generated a solid list of favorited student-athletes - if you wish to import that list of favorites into your CRM, such as FrontRush, JumpForward or ARMs, email our team at and they can help you to export a list of those Favorited student-athletes.
To Learn more about the global feed, and the student athlete cards that you have access to, feel free to read our article “Navigating the Discover Feed as a College Coach.” Or, if you want to learn more about using the search filters to assist with finding student-athletes, take a look at our article “Searching For Student-Athletes in Your Recruiting Process."
Why Use SportsRecruits as College Coach?
SportsRecruits can help you search for student-athletes you want to actively recruit and that are a good fit for your program both academically and athletically. Our platform provides you with the tools you need to organize these student-athletes and follow their recruiting process.If you are a college coach who is looking to log into their SportsRecruits account, click here to get started! It is completely free for college coaches to access the SportsRecruits platform.
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