College Coaches always have FREE and complete use of the SportsRecruits database of prospective student-athletes in their sport. SportsRecruits provides access to recruiting profiles of student-athletes, high schools and clubs. Our resources allow college coaches to search for and reach out directly to student-athletes that may match their criteria in the recruiting process.
Due to frequent internal college coach updates, it's likely you are already in our system to begin using SportsRecruits. You may need to simply reset your password to gain access. Any college coach with an educational institution email address has the ability to "reset" their password, even if you never had one!
Logging In from
You can visit the College Coach Login Page at any time to login and begin searching for the top prospects within your sport:
- If you are coming from, click “Colleges” in the top right corner
- Click “Get Started”
- Enter your school-issued email address and password
- If you have not yet set a password or would like to reset your existing password, click “Forgot your password” in the password field at any time.
- Then click “Reset Password”
- Type in your school-issued email address
- An email is sent to your email address with directions on how to reset your password
Note: If a message says “No users found with that email address” then your username (school-issued email address) is not recognized by Please chat us using the live feature or email us at We will need the following in order to confirm your access to our database and get your credentials to you ASAP!
- Your name
- Your coaching position
- The name of the school
- The sport you coach
Logging in via an email from a Student-Athlete:
You can easily login to your SportsRecruits account by clicking the link at the bottom of any email that you receive from a student-athlete:
- Click the link at the bottom of the message, labeled "Click here to view my SportsRecruits Profile”
- You will be taken you to that particular student-athlete's athlete profile or be prompted to log in
- If prompted to log in, enter your school-issued email address and password
- If you don't have a password, click the “Forgot your password” button
- An email with instructions on how to update your password will be sent to this email
- Scroll to the bottom of the page where it says “College Coaches, log in here to see this athlete's complete profile.”
- This should direct you to the athlete's full profile to view athletic and academic information about the student-athlete as well as video of the student-athlete.
About SportsRecruits for College Coaches
SportsRecruits has a mission to empower student-athletes to pursue their dreams. Our platform provides the framework for student-athletes, high school coaches, club coaches, and college coaches to work off of in the college recruiting process.
We understand how important it is for college coaches to have all the information about student-athletes and the organizations they are apart of at their fingertips. By allowing college coaches to directly navigate to student-athletes’ profiles from their emails, it gives college coaches seamless access to everything they need to know in a matter of a few clicks.
We know that college coaches do not want to hear from our staff and on behalf of a student-athlete, so unlike recruiting services, SportsRecruits does not reach out to college coaches on behalf of student-athletes. We believe the most genuine connections happen in the recruiting process when it is lead by the student-athlete.
At the end of the day, it is about helping student-athletes and colleges find the best fit. We have seen recruiting class after recruiting class come through our platform and connect with thousands of programs across the country. Check out our commits page to see student-athletes and colleges who have connected and found homes using the SportsRecruits platform.
Get started finding your star recruit here!
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