Having video accessible for college coaches to evaluate student-athletes is part of creating a complete profile for college coaches to view. Using the Club Video Library, your organization can upload unlimited video and easily distribute game film, skills videos, or highlight reels to your student-athletes or to your organization’s SportsRecruits storefront page. You have the ability to choose which team(s), athletes, or staff members are distributed the video. This gives you full control over who has access to make the video available to college coaches.
How to Assign Video to Your Student-Athletes & Staff
As soon as a video you select begins to upload, you can assign it to full teams, specific athletes, or staff, and edit its information. To distribute a video to either athletes or staff:
- Click the “Assign” button on the film file.
- In the Search bar, type the name of the athlete(s) or team(s) of interest and select from the dropdown options to assign the film.
- Once you have selected all who need to receive the film, click “Add” and then “Assign and Share.”
Everyone selected will be sent a notification that they have a new club video now available in their Video Library on SportsRecruits.
Note: Assigned video will NOT automatically display on a student-athlete’s SportsRecruits profile. It will remain hidden from their profile, accessible only to them in their Library until the athlete chooses to make it visible.
Editing the Details of Club Video
- Click on the Pencil Icon on the film file within your Club Video Library
- On the Details tab that opens, you can edit the following information:
- Title
- Competition Date
- Description detailing what the video shows (the specific tournament or competition, highlight-reel-worthy moments, scores and competitors, etc.).
- Once you have edited the film information, click “Save Details”
The Finished Club Video Product
By default, any video uploaded to the Club Video Library will be Hidden on Storefront, meaning it is not publicly available to be viewed. Club video that you select as Visible on Storefront will be featured at the top of your organization’s storefront page. If you have assigned this video to athletes or a team, a college coach watching it on your storefront will see a roster of those assigned athletes right next to the video. The roster will include hyperlinks to the profiles of each student-athlete. This makes it very easy for college coaches to evaluate specific athletes directly from your video!
If you have any questions regarding the club video process, you can send us an email at help@sportsrecruits.com or reach out to your Customer Success Manager via teams@sportsrecruits.com.
Why SportsRecruits?
SportsRecruits provides organizations complete access to all of their student-athletes’ college recruiting processes. Staff are able to oversee exactly what college coaches are emailing their student-athletes, or taking the time to learn more about them by visiting their recruiting profile or watching game footage.
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