Here at SportsRecruits, we know that quality video is a must-have in the college recruiting process. Using the Club Video Library, your organization has complete control over how your student-athletes obtain video. You can easily distribute game film, skills videos, or highlight reels to your student-athletes as well as make game film with your roster side-by-side accessible to college coaches. And unlike most other video platforms, your Club Video Library allows you full transparency into the colleges viewing your video.
Uploading Video to Your Club Video Library on SportsRecruits
You can upload multiple videos simultaneously, and your Club Video Library allows unlimited video storage.
**Keep in mind that video files can be large. The more files you upload at once and the larger the files, the longer it will take. We recommend being connected to strong WIFI when uploading videos.
- Log into your SportsRecruits account and click on the Video tab in the top toolbar.
- Click the “Add Video” Button
- You can either click “Select files to upload” or drag and drop files from your desktop or mobile device. You can add multiple film files at once.
- As soon as the videos begin uploading you are able to assign and edit their information.
- Once your video finishes the upload process, it will appear in your library. It will also appear in the individual video libraries of any assigned student-athletes.
- Choose to make your film Visible or Hidden on your organization’s storefront.
Note: All videos uploaded on the Club Video Library will automatically be Hidden on Storefront until you toggle the blue button to Visible on Storefront.
If something is not uploading properly, make sure that it is compatible with our platform. Check out our article “Compatible Video Files” to learn more. If you continue to run into issues, do not hesitate to reach out to
Distributing Uploaded Film to Your Student-Athletes & Staff
- Once film is visible in your club video library, click the “Assign” button (shown above).
- In the Search bar, type the name of the athlete(s) or team(s) of interest and select from the dropdown options to assign the film. You can assign film to full teams or specific athletes and staff.
- Once you have selected all who need to receive the film, click “Add” and then “Assign and Share.”
As soon as film is assigned, everyone selected will be sent a notification that they have a new club video now available in their Video Library on SportsRecruits.
Note: Assigned video will NOT automatically display on a student-athlete’s SportsRecruits profile. It will remain hidden from their profile, accessible only to them in their Library until the athlete chooses to make it visible.
Editing the Details of Club Video
- Click on the Pencil Icon on the film file within your Club Video Library (shown above).
On the Details page that opens, you will be able to edit the following:
- Title
- Date
- Add a description detailing what the video shows (the specific tournament or competition, highlight-reel-worthy moments, scores and competitors, etc.).
- Once you have edited the film information click “Save Details”
From the Details page, you are also able to download film, delete film, or choose to make the video visible or invisible on your club storefront.
The Finished Club Video Product
Club video that you keep Visible on Storefront will be featured at the top of your organization’s storefront page. If you have assigned this video to athletes or a team, a college coach watching it on your storefront will see a roster of those assigned athletes right next to the video. The roster will include hyperlinks to the profiles of each student-athlete. This makes it very easy for college coaches to evaluate specific athletes directly from your video!
If you have any questions regarding the club video process, you can send us an email at, or reach out to your Customer Success Manager via
Why SportsRecruits?
SportsRecruits provides organizations complete access to all of their student-athletes' college recruiting processes. Staff are able to oversee exactly what college coaches are emailing their student-athletes, or taking the time to learn more about them by visiting their recruiting profile or watching game footage.
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