Once you have Favorited or Evaluated prospective student-athletes as a college coach, it's important to us that you are able to get this information into your recruiting software - such as ARMS, FrontRush or JumpForward. While our system does not currently directly integrate with these softwares yet, we have a simple solution to get student-athlete data and evaluations from SportsRecruits into FrontRush.
First, you will have to make sure that you have downloaded a .csv copy of your evaluated athletes. The following help article will show you how to do so: Exporting Student-Athlete Data and Evaluations from SportsRecruits.
Once you have downloaded that .csv file, depending on which recruiting software you use, you will follow one of these processes.
ARMS Users:
Email ARMS Support at help@armssoftware.com with the .csv file of your recruit information attached
In the email, be sure to indicate your school's name, sport and that you'd like to have the information in the attached .csv added to your account.
ARMS support will then complete the process of uploading your recruit information
FrontRush Users:
- Email FrontRush Support at data@frontrush.com with the .csv file of your recruit information attached
- In the email, be sure to indicate your school's name, sport and that you'd like to have the information in the attached .csv added to your account.
- FrontRush support will then complete the process of uploading your recruit information
JumpForward Users:
- Log-in to JumpForward
- Select the green Help button in the top-right corner of the page
- Click Submit a Request to begin sending your FastRecruit files to JumpForward support to make updates
- Under the first prompt, Enter instructions here, select Coach Request Data Upload
- Input the following into the fields that appear:
- Subject - "Import Recruit Data"
- Description - "Update recruits in JumpForward with the information from the attached .csv file. Please take note of potential duplicate information and update athletes already in my JumpForward database."
- School - Select your school from the dropdown
- Project - Select your department from the dropdown
- Make sure to attach the .csv file to the request that you previously exported from SportsRecruits
- JumpForward Support staff will receive the request and make updates to your Prospect list in JumpForward. Please contact JumpForward support for any questions from here on turnaround time for these requests.
If you need any assistance with your export or uploading it into your recruiting software, please fill out this form and our team will be in touch as quickly as possible: Assistance for College Coaches.
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