Emailing college coaches can be daunting. Having to search for each college coaches contact information can be a time-consuming process. With SportsRecruits, we have the email addresses for all college coaches in the United States across 21 sports, male and female!
What Your Messages Look Like to a College Coach
The images below will show you what the process is like for student-athletes and coaches operating the messaging system. Below you will see three views:
What it is like to send a message to a coach using our Messaging System
How a coach receives that message
What happens when a coach clicks on my message-embedded link or replies to my message
Here is an example of an introductory email between Harry Hart (test account) and Coach Jordan Nies (test coach of Princeton University). Harry sends the email from his SportsRecruits profile and Coach Nies receives it like an ordinary email in his inbox. When Coach Nies opens the email, he can click the link to Harry's profile and check out his video.
Watch as Harry's profile updates this information for him in real time!
First, Harry begins initiating contact with a message to Princeton.
After Harry hits "send," the message hits Coach Nies's inbox right away! Notice how the personalized email is sent straight to his regular email inbox, and appears as a regular email would.
When Coach Nies opens his inbox, he can see the subject: first and last name, graduation year, and the email. You can see the link to Harry's profile is automatically embedded at the bottom of the email!
Similar to any other messaging system, please note there is no way to recall a message after it's sent.
How a coach receives your message
What Happens When a Coach Clicks My Embedded Message Link or Replies to My Email?
When Coach Nie's clicks Harry's embedded link he will be taken directly to Harry's profile! The coach does not have to log in or enter any information, so it is quick and convenient for them. Harry’s athletic and academic information is in one place, including graduation year, club team, test scores, and highlight videos! Once Coach Nies clicks on this link, Harry is notified in real-time that the Princeton Coach viewed his profile.
Coach Nies can also reply directly to the email to send a message back to Harry's SportsRecruits messaging system.
If you are unsure of what to send to a college coach, click here for a sample email you can use. You want to be able to put into words why you may be a good fit at both academically and athletically.
What is SportsRecruits?
SportsRecruits is a platform for high school student-athletes that helps them in the college recruiting process. Our Messaging system saves student-athletes time by having updated college coach contact information. Our platform creates transparency as to when a college coach views your profile, watches your highlight reel, and messages you. Learn more about receiving text messages and email notifications here!
Attack the college recruiting process and sign up for a free profile today here!
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