At SportsRecruits, we take every measure to ensure that your information is protected, and visible only to those who should have access. This article outlines which components of your student-athlete profile & platform are displayed for others to see.
Your SportsRecruits Profile
Your profile has two versions: the private or "protected" version, and the full access version. Much of the information displayed on your profile is sensitive (i.e. your GPA, transcript, address, etc). We want to make sure that the general public cannot access this information.
If someone tries to access your SportsRecruits profile without being logged into SportsRecruits as either your family, your club/high school coaches, or a college coach, they will see the protected version of your profile - similar to viewing the social media account of someone who has not yet approved your follow or friend request. It shows your picture, video, sport, position, team name, and couple of other pieces of higher-level information. The rest of your information is "locked".
The only people who have access to your full-access profile are your family, your club/high school coaches, and college coaches. These individuals can see anything that you see when you click on the "Profile" tab in the SportsRecruits platform. When you message coaches through the SR Messaging System, the profile link that is automatically embedded in the email will seamlessly grant college coaches full access to your student-athlete profile.
Your Video
Any video that you post on your SportsRecruits profile is accessible to anyone. Anyone who views your SportsRecruits profile, regardless of whether they are logged in, will be able to view your videos.
If you would prefer for your videos to be private, and only accessible to college, club, and high school coaches, our Customer Success Team can help with that. There is a privacy setting that we can enable to protect these videos. Please email if you would like to make your videos private.
Your Favorites Page
The only people who have access to your favorites list are your family, and your club/high school coaches if you are part of an integrated organization on SportsRecruits. College coaches are NOT able to see what other schools you have favorited, or how you have ranked their program amongst others. That information is protected.
If a college coach proactively logs into SportsRecruits, they will see a card on their own activity feed indicating that you have favorited their program. However, they will not know what other programs you have favorited or how they are ranked.
Your Activity Feed
Similar to the favorites page, your activity feed is only accessible to your family, and your club/high school coaches if you are part of an integrated organization on SportsRecruits. College coaches are NOT able to see any of the information on your activity feed. That information is protected.
SportsRecruits Account
If you have any questions about your SportsRecruits membership, or if you would like your account to be removed or deleted from SportsRecruits, please email If you’d like to no longer receive emails from SportsRecruits, simply click the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email you received or email
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