If you are a college coach, you have the ability to message any athlete that is playing the sport that you coach, as long as they are an active athlete on the SportsRecruits platform.
The SportsRecruits messaging system works just as any other mailing platform. You will have three main mailboxes: Inbox, Sent and Drafts. You can see exactly how this appears below.
Inside of your Messaging System, when you feel compelled to contact a student-athlete, click "Compose"in the top right-hand corner.
Once you are in the blank composed message, begin typing the name of the student-athlete you wish to contact. As you type, suggestions of student-athletes in our system will appear for you.
Below is an example of how a college coach would message an athlete:
If their are multiple recruits in our system with the same name, you may want to use the student-athlete search bar in the top left-hand corner in order to ensure that you are messaging the correct student-athlete. Once you have searched for and located the correct student-athlete, there is a "Message" button directly on their profile that you can use to reach out to them.
Anytime a student-athlete emails a college coach, the email will be delivered to your college coach, .edu email inbox, as well as their SportsRecruits mailbox.
Any "Sent" mail that has not received a response will remain solely inside of your Sent mailbox. Once the student-athlete replies, not only will it show up in your Inbox, but it will also create a thread. This thread will keep all replies from the original communication between you as a college coach, and the student-athlete in one place.
Below is an example of what that thread will look like:
If a college coach opens an email from a student-athlete on their mail service outside of the SportsRecruits messaging system (.edu email inbox), they can reply to the athlete straight from there. Replying in this way will still place the message in the student-athletes' SportsRecruits messaging system inbox.
In the event that the sender's name of the message reads: mailto:messages+t21b4ae....etc, don't worry, you can still reply to this email! This "address" is only an indication of a unique thread created from the communications on that email chain between that athlete and the coach. You would only see this occur in your mailbox outside of the SportsRecruits platform. On the other hand, you will always see the athlete's name when you are checking through the messaging system.
Feel free to reach out to us at help@sportsrecruits.com and a member of our team would be happy to work with you!
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