If you recently purchased raw game footage from an event, it is delivered directly to your SportsRecruits account. If you are an existing member of SportsRecruits, it was added to the Video tab of your account. If you did not previously have a SportsRecruits account, we created a free one for you!
For Free Accounts
If you were not a previously existing member of SportsRecruits, a Free account was created for you. Set up or log into your free user account using the access information that was sent to you via your film order confirmation email. This account is an easy way to securely transfer, view, and permanently download large files to your computer. Once you are logged in, follow the instructions below:
Log into your account using your username and password
Don’t have a username or password? Search your email addresses for SportsRecruits order history. Your activation link will be located there.
After logging in, you will be taken directly to the "Activity" page. On your activity page, click the “Video” tab in the top right corner of your screen.
This will take you to your "Video Library."
Scroll down and click the “Film Store” tab.
From here, download the video to your computer.
For Pro Accounts
Log into your account using your username and password
On your activity page, click the "Video" tab in the top right corner of your screen.
This will take you to your "Video Library"
Scroll down and click the "Film Store" tab.
From here, download the video to your computer
You can also add this video to “My Videos.” Once they are in “My Videos,” you can hide or show your videos from your SportsRecruits profile.
Showing the video puts the full game on your profile for coaches to see
Hiding the video takes it off of your profile so coaches cannot see it
Click the play button to watch the video
Once the video window appears, click the settings icon at the bottom right to view the video in the highest quality (720 P HQ).
*Note for IWLCARecruits or IMLCARecruits Pro Accounts: If you are a women’s or men's lacrosse athlete with an active Pro account, the film you have access to will be automatically uploaded to your account and can be found in the “Video Library” section of your Video tab.
As a women's lacrosse player, check out this article on what event film is included in IWLCARecruits.
As a men's lacrosse player, click here to see what film is included with your IMLCARecruits Pro account.
If your video is not on your profile and you purchased film from an event or are a IMLCA or IWLCARecruit Pro member, please email your receipt to help@sportsrecruits.com.
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