As a college coach, you have access to every student-athlete in the SportsRecruits database. Our search tool provides you with an efficient way to look for student-athletes, club organizations, and high schools who fit your athletic and college admissions criteria.
How to Filter Student-Athletes
Login into your SportsRecruits account. Once you are logged in, every student-athlete in your sport will populate in the “Discover Tab”. If you need help logging into your SportsRecruits account contact
Each student-athlete has a title card with essential information, such as their:
- Position
- Grad year
- Height
- Weight
- Club and/or high school team
- Available video
Directly on your Recruits Search page, you can search for prospective student-athletes based on certain criteria. There are several filters to choose from on the left side of your page.
Utilize the checkboxes to search for uncommitted student-athletes (this checkbox will automatically be clicked when you log on).
If you want to look at student-athletes with video on their profile, click the checkbox next to “Video”.
If you want to clear your filters or take one away, simply un-click the boxes of the specific field.
After you have selected your specific filters, the student-athletes who fit those specific criteria will appear on the discover page.
How to Search Student-Athletes by Athletic Criteria
To search for a student-athlete based on athletic criteria, click the drop-down menu on the left next to “Athletic”. Here you can filter student-athletes on a number of criteria:
- Position(s)
- Height
- Weight
Keep in mind, depending on your sport there may or may not be extra athletic criteria to choose from.
How to Search Student-Athletes for Academic Criteria
To search for a student-athlete based on certain academic criteria, click the drop-down menu on the left next to “Academic”. Here you are able to search for student-athletes based on their academic level.
The Academic levels have 4 tiers:
- Most Competitive (A/A+ Student)
- More Competitive (B/A- Student)
- Competitive (C+/B-/B Student)
- Less Competitive (C (or lower) Student)
Each tier consists of national average ranges of standardized tests and GPA. If an athlete matches at least one of the criteria in a tier, that student-athlete will be listed in the results when that tier is selected. You are then able to search for student-athletes based on their graduation year.
How to Search Student-Athletes Based on Location
You are able to search for any student-athletes based on their location by clicking the “Location” dropdown on the left-hand side. You can search by:
- Miles from a certain zip code
- Specific region
- Specific state
How to Find Student-Athletes Interested in You
You are able to search for student-athletes who have favorited your program or messaged your coaching staff. Simply click the check-box to the left of “Interested in Us” in the Recruits tab. These student-athletes will also appear in your “Favorites” tab marked in blue as “Interested”.
How to Favorite or Skip Student-Athletes
You are able to Favorite or Skip a recruit based on exactly what you are looking for. There is a “Favorite” or “Skip” at the bottom of each athlete’s title card, as well as tabs containing all the athletes you have done this for at the top of your screen.
How to Search Student-Athletes by Club Organization or High School
The Discover Feed also lets you sift through club organizations and high schools in the sport that you coach. When the club organization or high school appears in the search results, you will be able to see:
- The club organization/high school location
- The number of athletes within the club organization/high school
- The number of teams within the club organization/high school
To find more information on a specific club organization/high school, click the name that appears in the search dropdown and you will be taken to the club organization/high school storefront page. Within the storefront, you will be able to access the club organization/high school athletes, videos, events, and more!
To learn more about this feature check out our help article: How to Favorite or Skip Student-Athletes as a College Coach
Why Use SportsRecruits As a College Coach?
The athlete search tool provides college coaches with an efficient way to look for student-athletes who fit their criteria. If you are a college coach who is looking to log into their SportsRecruits account, click here to get started! It is completely free for college coaches to access the SportsRecruits platform.
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